Monday, September 29, 2008

Kick Out The Bums

In the Hindu religion, the universe as we know it is believed to be a grand dream, dreamt by the god Brahma as he sleeps. I think the United States is a dream only kept alive when its people are awake.

To say this "bailout" is a scandal is to call a nuclear bomb a lightbulb. News services report that messages flooding into both houses of Congress are 300 to 1 against the bailout. And here's where "Get Rid of the Bums" comes in. This country was founded through bloody revolution because the people here discovered that their supposed representatives in His Majesty's government in fact did not and would not represent them. They terminated that relationship and put in place a system of representative government.

Folks, you may not have liked many of the positions your senators and congresspersons have taken, but chances are, you could understand how a sizable percentable of that elected official's constituency -- the people who elected him/her, and who he/she represents -- may have wanted that position supported.

This is different.

When, across the boards, in every state and county, and to each supposed "representative", their constituency by overwhelming landslide of actual communication tells their elected lawmaker to NOT do something, and almost as one all these lawmakers go ahead and do it .. well folks, are you a weaker people than those who disconnected themselves from their old and corrupt government and formed a new one? I daresay you've been taught that there's nothing you can do about it.

Perhaps it would take a man on horseback riding through your neighborhood, shouting "The bankers are coming! The bankers are coming!", but (at least in Los Angeles) the horse would probably break a leg in a pothole.

Luckily, you need not take up arms and start shooting redcoats. You do however need to vote, and if the same massive majority who said "NO" and then had "YES" jammed down their throats to stifle them would make one collective decision, you stand a good chance to get this political elitism chastised, and properly respectful representatives in place. And that collective decision is this: THROW OUT THE BUMS.

And who are the bums? Every single congressman and representative who supported, planned. and/or voted for this bailout. Every. Single. One. Set aside your hobby-horse issues and listen up. They don't represent you, they don't represent your neighborhood, your district, your city, your state. You. They don't. They have proved that even when given massive, crushing and clear statement of direction by their people, they "know best" and do what they are told by their handlers, not by those who put them in that job to help the many have a voice in powerful places.

Instead, they have told YOU, me and all of us, collectively, to "talk to the hand".

So, here's what you do, and what you get every adult U.S. citizen you know to do:

1. Register to vote if not already done.
2. Find out if your current state Senators and congressperson votes for this bailout.
3. Vote against them -- literally for anybody else -- if they did, or vote for them if they actively voted against the measure. Vote against them if they abstained (no vote) because again, they grossly non-represented you. You said "NO!"

Now, you can do step 3 more intelligently than picking someone at random, but frankly you will do better by random selection than than by not voting (which they will desparately hope for after, they think, driving you to apathetic non-voting by denying your and our most insistent demand for representation). So pick somebody who sounds a bit humble and that he might be listening, but pick somebody else and Get Rid Of The Bums.

Let's do this by that same 300 to 1 majority. Make it a crushing vote of no-confidence, for that is surely what they have proven -- they cannot be trusted with your voice on the world stage. Take these bleating goats to the slaughter and let's press the "reset" button on our Federal representatives.

Put the word out, now and in the days leading up to the election. About half of them change every 2 years -- so get half now, and scare the living wits out of the other half. And, even if that remaining half then tows the line, let them know that unless they cancel each and every provision of the bailout immediately, they will also be kicked out in 2 years. And make it so.

As a group with a goal -- kicking out the bums and getting your representatives to know their job is to represent your collective voice or else -- you can easily, effortlessly accomplish this.

You can do this. Let's go.

A. Biker